The human race has hit left, right, and centre by a virus, which in 2019 by this time was just a piece of news for many countries worldwide. Initially, little did we know the kind of impact it can have on our lives. However, after two years into the crisis and witnessing a total global desertedness at the peak of the pandemic’s first wave, we are back to square one. Although vaccination drives are already underway globally, the way this virus is mutating makes it hard to predict anything. However, accelerating digital transformation in healthcare sector can reduce the pressure on the exhausted system and give us some hope for reducing the infection rate. Healthcare digital marketing has been gaining popularity over the last few months.


When it comes to marketing, the healthcare industry tends to lag behind others. The importance of digital marketing for healthcare service delivery cannot be underestimated. Through digital marketing, you can reach out to patients and healthcare aspirants worldwide, build trust among the audience, and expand the growth of your healthcare services. However, reaching and engaging with today’s tech-savvy patients and physicians means digital marketing is no longer optional for organizations in the healthcare space. It’s a necessity.

Digital marketing trends in Healthcare

  • Designing a responsive website.

Almost half of patients booking appointments online cite a clunky website or having to wait too long as a pain point. 60% of patients want to be reminded about their appointments on their phones. It’s clear a clean digital experience is important — and that starts with having a responsive website.


Additionally, managing an efficient site allows healthcare organizations to focus on developing a strong web strategy, one that increases visibility, reach, and conversions. This is all while decreasing expenditures and effort.

  • SEO best practices across web pages.

Your organization must develop a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy that allows you to be found when a potential customer conducts an online search.


There’s high competition for search traffic. For example, if a nearby hospital has a more effective SEO strategy than yours, it will appear higher in organic search results than yours. A highly targeted SEO strategy increases your overall web presence.

  • Having a fine-tuned content marketing strategy

It’s nearly impossible to build a successful SEO strategy without the right content. To succeed in today’s developing healthcare industry, companies need to constantly produce new content that gets them found and surfaces lead.


This content will improve your search engine rankings and drive new traffic to your website. Additionally, it will nurture leads throughout the sales flywheel, encouraging them to visit your practice or hospital for their healthcare needs.

  • Make your website Google-friendly.

Do you have any videos about your company? Whether you have video or plan on investing in a video strategy in the future, let’s strategize a few ways you can include video on your website to encourage visitors to book an appointment or sign up for an offer. The first, and most likely easiest, are conversational videos explaining common issues within your profession.


Filming a video that concludes with, “Schedule a consultation in 10 minutes!” presents a strong call to action (CTA). If that CTA is hyperlinked to the page for booking appointments, it would be easy for someone already thinking about your service to book from where they are watching.


New trends in healthcare marketing can turn into mainstays. If you can visualize any of these changes becoming permanent, maybe they’re the boost your marketing plan needs. Take time to think about these trends and pick a couple you can commit to rolling out soon.


That way, you’ll have a list of goals to plan for when the time comes to revamp your strategy. But, as always, keep your customers in mind, and think about what will serve them best.